A Step Above The Rest: Equestrian Rubber Flooring

The Importance of Safe and Comfortable Flooring in Your Equestrian Facility

Introduction to Equestrian Rubber Flooring

Creating a safe, comfortable, and efficient environment for your horses begins from the ground

up. Flooring is often overlooked when creating a functional environment, but its impact on

welfare, performance, and safety cannot be overstated. 

In this blog, we’ll delve into the risks of improper flooring, the benefits of high-quality surfaces, and the science that supports investing in superior options. Plus, we’ll explore how our innovative flooring range offers tailored solutions for every corner of your equestrian facility.

The Risks of Improper Flooring

Choosing the wrong flooring can have serious consequences for both the horse and the horse owner. Studies have found that uneven, slippery, or overly hard surfaces increase the risk of injuries such as slips, strains, or even long-term joint damage (1). 

Further research also highlights that horses housed on inadequate flooring are more prone to hoof problems, including thrush and bruising (2). 

Improper surfaces can also contribute to the display of stress, such as restlessness, or difficulty lying down (3). 

As we all know, horses are highly sensitive animals, and this can manifest in how they react to their environment, such as experiencing discomfort or lack of traction underfoot.  Poor flooring isn’t just a safety concern; it also creates additional work for facility owners and staff. Muddy walkways and icy concrete require constant maintenance, while substandard surfaces in stables can make cleaning and hygiene an unachievable task. 

The Benefits of Proper Flooring

Investing in quality flooring creates a safer and more efficient environment while also prioritising horse welfare. The Komfortex® and Belmondo® range, for example, provides superior shock absorption, reducing strain on horses’ joints and muscles. This is especially important for older horses or those in intensive training (1).


German manufactured interlocking rubber mats.  Non porous.


German manufactured interlocking rubber tiles.  Porous.

Traction is another key benefit. Non-slip surfaces like Komfortex® or Belmondo® minimise the risk of slips, even in high-traffic areas such as wash bays or walkways, where water and dirt can create hazards (2). 

Additionally, due to its porous nature, Komfortex® flooring can be used both indoors and outdoors, in wash bays or walkways. Its unique composition allows water to filter through freely, preventing ice while delivering consistent and reliable traction. Research carried out by van Erck-Westergren, E., et al. (2014) reinforced that horses are more confident and relaxed when they have stable footing. (3)

For facility owners, quality flooring can massively reduce maintenance time and costs. Durable,

quality surfaces are easier to clean, making maintaining hygiene standards easier, while also

offering longevity meaning fewer replacements will be required over time. A well-designed

flooring system can also improve drainage, reducing muddy areas, blocked pipes, and general

flooding (4).

The Science Behind Safe and Comfortable Flooring

The science is clear: flooring plays a critical role in the health and well-being of horses. Studies

have shown that horses housed on hard or uncomfortable surfaces are at greater risk of joint

issues, including osteoarthritis (1). Shock-absorbing materials, like rubber, help distribute weight more evenly, reducing impact stress and supporting hoof health (2).

Additionally, a comfortable surface encourages natural behaviour. Horses are more likely to lie

down and rest when they feel safe and comfortable, which is essential for physical recovery and

mental well-being. Inadequate rest due to poor flooring can lead to fatigue, weakened immunity, and lower performance levels (3).

A Tailored Solution for Every Area of Your Facility

Different areas of your facility require tailored flooring solutions to meet their specific demands, for example, walker flooring needs to be shaped following the track, while stable flooring needs to be secure to prevent trips and tears. Our flooring range is designed with all these scenarios in mind, offering durable, slip-resistant, and easy-to-maintain options for every application:

For walkways and aisles, the Komfortex® grid flooring is ideal. Due to its dense yet porous composition, Komfortex® provides horses with a solid, slip-resistant grip, while also offering durability and longevity. A study by Thomason, J. J., & Peterson, M. L. (2008) found rubber tiles offer excellent traction, even in wet conditions.


Komfortex® Grey

Komfortex® Red

For stables and lying areas, we recommend the Belmondo® range. Continuous DLG monitoring and certified animal-safe, the Belmondo® matting range is ideal for adding an extra layer of cushioning to your stables. Its interlocking joints make for easy hygiene management, while its thickness and rubber composition add the longevity required for heavy use.

For large boxes and group-keeping areas, our range of Softbeds provide a comfortable place for rest for your horses. Designed with a sealed foam insert and encapsulated with rubber, the Softbed range makes for easy management of group-keeping settings, reducing the need for added bedding and minimising the manual labour required for upkeep.

HIT Softbed

Belmondo® Kingsize

For wash bays, Komfortex® comes into its own. Slip-resistant, porous, and extremely durable, the Komfortex® range offers everything required for wash bay flooring. Easy to clean and freeze-resistant, Komfortex® is ideal for both indoor and outdoor use, for all-around comfortable and safe footing.

Komfortex® Red

For horse walkers, the Belmondo Motion comes out on top. FEI Vet and Event Rider, Dr

Matthias Baumann highlighted several aspects that are important to consider in horse walker

flooring: slip-resistance, minimal track deformation, easy-to-clean, and sustainability. He further stated, “That’s why I'm an enthusiastic promoter of Belmondo® rubber flooring for horse walkers."

Belmondo® Motion/Horsewalker

A Step Above the Rest

At Jelka, we believe that superior flooring is more than a luxury, it’s a necessity for your horse's

welfare, health and performance. That’s why we only offer top solutions tailored to meet the

needs of various areas around your equestrian facility.

To learn more about our range, and to discover how we can help transform your equestrian

property, get in touch!

Reference List

1. Clayton, H. M., & Hobbs, S. J. (2017). The role of biomechanics in understanding the

effect of flooring on equine locomotion and joint health. Equine Veterinary Journal.

2. Thomason, J. J., & Peterson, M. L. (2008). Biomechanical properties of equine hooves

and their interaction with surface traction. Veterinary Journal.

3. Van Erck-Westergren, E., et al. (2014). Flooring comfort and its influence on equine rest

and behaviour. Journal of Equine Science.

4. Gilchrist, J., & Peeters, D. (2020). Comparative analysis of flooring materials for ease of

maintenance and bacterial load reduction in stables. Equine Health Management.

Why is Horse Welfare the Most Important Aspect of our Industry?
Equine welfare has come under greater scrutiny in recent years, amongst both the equine community and the general public. Without progressive and proactive change, the equine industry could lose its social licence to operate.