Feeding in Stables
Classic single box housing is faced with major challenges and intense personal commitment. Find out how the HIT Active Box can reduce workload and provide better management of horses.
The challenges of classic box housing
Classic single box housing is faced with major challenges. The call for more horse welfare in the form of free movement and social contact with other horses and frequent hay meals are often accompanied by (too) high working time requirements.
Putting the horses on the paddock, mucking them out daily and providing them with hay several times require an extremely high level of personal commitment, which is often no longer achieved in practice or is no longer affordable. Doing everything yourself is impossible in the long run.
HIT Active Box
A method of keeping horses within a classic stable environment plus the added benefit of feeding control of forage and concentrates.
The benefits of HIT Active Box
Workload management
Getting and retaining qualified staff is becoming increasingly difficult.
Therefore, innovative solutions are required that meet both the natural demands of life of horses and also improve the working situation of people.
Non slip turnout
Non-slip floor coverings for paddock attachment ensure mud-free run areas, which are easy to clean.
Better feeding
Keeping horses in HIT active boxes means a significant increase in horse welfare and significant reduction in workload. This is achieved through the use of time-controlled concentrated feeders and hay feeders for needs-based and labour-saving feeding.
Soft flooring
Soft horse beds increase lying comfort and reduce the amount of bedding needed.